Theater & Learning For Human Rights

On this Giving Tuesday Week, consider making a tax-deductible gift to our Theater & Learning For Human Rights campaign!

Dear friends,

On this Giving Tuesday Week, consider making a tax-deductible gift to our Theater & Learning For Human Rights campaign! This initiative leverages the transformative power of theater and education to support Latinx kids and youth who are refugees and asylum seekers, forging a path for them to build new lives as migrants.

At the core of this campaign is our STUDIO Kids program—a bilingual arts-learning experience tailored for recent migrants where they co-create a play while learning English as a second language and cultivating vital social and emotional skills. These skills, honed through creative expression, become invaluable tools applicable to school, relationships, and the nuanced challenges of life as newcomers in Chicago.

In a city where bilingual programs with a focus on cross-cultural competencies are in short supply, STUDIO Kids has emerged as a beacon of change. Over 150 kids and young migrants have found a healing and safe space in this program and a community that transcends language barriers. Participants not only communicate in their native language while learning English, but they can also feel like they can be themselves, feeling understood, and valued.

Your tax-deductible contribution becomes a lifeline, ensuring that we have the resources to sustain and expand these impactful initiatives. By supporting us, you’re cultivating a supportive ecosystem, offering resources, and facilitating high-quality arts learning experiences for young Latinx refugees and asylum seekers.

Here is what your donation does:

Join us in this mission to harness the transformative potential of the arts. Your contribution is an investment in the futures of young migrants, creating a ripple effect of positive change that extends far beyond the confines of our program.


Water People Theater’s campaign, ‘Theater & Learning For Human Rights,’ fuels our STUDIO Kids initiative, an immersive arts learning program for young Latinx refugees, migrants, and asylum seekers. Your tax-deductible contribution shapes life-changing experiences that forge meaningful connections, prevent cultural assimilation and isolation, and strengthen their social and emotional skills as they navigate life in a new country.
