“I, the Worst of All”, in such words defined Sor Juana Ines De La Cruz herself when signing with her own blood the formal abjuration of her life and work –while the Old and New World praised her as “The Tenth Muse”, “The Phoenix of Mexico”. De La Cruz lived in a dying century that refused to perish and as such, enhanced its bigotry against her talent and thirst for knowledge. In the attempt to conciliate her will and her freedom, she dared to share her mind and was punished as consequence. She died from being silent, while her voice on behalf of women transcended oceans and ages.


"Aleman’s charting of Sor Juana’s pained yet often ecstatic existence, her dogged attempts to maintain her freedom, and her gradual undoing are ideally rendered, with Cardozo adding just the right sense of support, admiration and suppressed desire. Mendiola is the essence of smug authoritarianism. And Balza brings a fine sense of compassion and weakness to his portrayal of the local priest in this tragic tale of repression."
"Texto, espacio y luz armonizan en una puesta en escena muy sobria y precisa que enfatiza la personalidad de su personaje frente a los rigores del hostigador religioso, ante la angustia de claudicar al acoso del poder…”
“La obra teatral mostró la pasión de la escritora por las letras, su entrega al estudio y un amor prohibido que la arrojó a una estridente soledad."
“...en el contexto que se vive la lucha feminista en América Latina y Europa, es muy importante porque aún las mujeres viven injusticias..."
“...enmarcados en el México antiguo extrapolan la vigencia, cuatro siglos después, de una discusión que enmarca la “ignorancia y el saber; la justicia y la injusticia, las limitaciones sociales, la desigualdad y el abuso de poder.."
“... Alemán como Sor Juana demuestra una fuerza contenida en lo vocal y corporal, por la represión que interna y externamente se le impone, y que libera al final.."